State Judging Director: Brenda Eberhardt Email Brenda is also the booking agent for the state. She is a pharmacist who has been SJD for eight years. She has two grandchildren and holds an Elite rating. Mentor Chairman: Susie Moyal
Email Susie is responsible for assigning a mentor to our new judges to help them through the first year. She holds a Lv. 10 rating, has the best tan in the state and is married to a club owner. Education Coordinator: Susan Sommer Email Susan is responsible for organizing clinics and providing opportunities for professional growth and development. She holds a Lv. 10 rating, and got involved in gymnastics through her daughter's love of the sport. Active Status Coordinator: Kristi Aguilar Email Kristi receives and records members' active status cards, sends them on to the national office and makes sure we have a new card the following year. She holds an Elite rating and is the proud mother of two children. Fund Raiser Chairman: Liz Tortorich Email Liz has proved invaluable in helping both the NAWJG and the USAG raise money to offset some of the costs involved in both programs. In her newly elected position, we look forward to her continued success. Hospitality Chairman: Kathleen Argyle Email Kathleen is responsible for food and drink at the Judges Cup and other chapter functions. She is a Lv. 10 judge, the mother of three and is our resident expert on computer graphics. Web Mistress: Margie Pearce Email Margie is responsible for getting us on-line. She holds an Elite rating and has been active in the NAWGJ for over 20 years. She has two children and does genealogy in her spare time. |