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Region IV Congress St. Louis, MO July 28-30, 2000

Brenda Eberhardt's notes

1. Stress No More: Robin Ruegg, Region 4 RJD

List 3 stresses you face on the floor of a gymnastics competition

List coping strategies you use for stresses you face on the floor of a gymnastics competition. Are they healthy or unhealthy skills? Share stresses and coping strategies with other groups. Recognize that we cannot control all stresses. Just do the best we can and move on.

How Much to Take?: Tom Koll, National JO Program Chairman

Text: can only take ut 0.40 for text errors throughout routine. Suggest marking T on page whenever text errors occur. Determine how much of that 0.4 to take when routine is over.

Posture: can only take ut 0.2 for posture errors throughout routine for connections. Suggest marking P on page whenever these occur. Can take ut 0.2 each for posture errors on specific elements. Note these as they occur as well.

Artistry: can take ut 0.30 for overall artistry. Suggest marking A on page for parts that are specifically un-artistic. Use this category! It is what will separate the good from the excellent routines.

General: if you do not see it, do not take a deduction! Do not make it up later.

Assemble turn: Should see foot in front, not at side.
Tourjete: Have to be up in the air for feet to join in air
Front Limber: Should be straight in the handstand position. When coming up, the legs can be together or apart for no deduction. The bend is initiated by pushing the armpits back. Failure to do so is an ut 0.20 deduction.

Use videos of routines, isolate elements, discuss how much to take for each one based on degree of error. Remind everyone that taking the max means it is the worst possible, and taking nothing means it is the best the element could be performed. Deductions are generally in the middle.

Review that the maximum that can be taken is the value of the element + 0.50. Use all the available deductions so that when the athlete improves, her score will also. Use Glide Kip as an example. If the gymnast does not complete the kip, remember to take deductions for all listed parts (such as extension, legs, arms, finish position), in addition to incomplete element. The fall is an added deduction of 0.50.

Shorthand: Mary Ann West, SJD Iowa & Jan Adkins, SJD Wisconsin
Practice writing what you see, one series at a time. Practice saying the skill out loud as you write the symbol. Homework! Remind everyone that the most important thing is to get the skill down somehow. Can always look back when routine is over and perhaps remember what it looked like when performed so you can insert execution deductions.

Develop some non-symbol shorthand for things such as stops, extra swings, bar change, 0.50 deductions, etc.

Practice writing routines in symbols and reading them aloud. Write the symbol and try to visualize what the skill looks like while writing it. Practice writing symbols for some combinations, then full routines.

JO Update: Linda Thorberg, Region 4 RTC

Review Update for 2000 from Technique as well as WTC minutes. All listed changes are effective August 1, 2000.

NCAA Update: Rule modifications are to be mailed to judges involved in NCAA competitions.

VAULT: 1 vault will be required except at Nationals where 2 different vaults will be required.
There is no deduction for wrong vault. Any vault passing over the horse from a handstand will get a score.

BEAM, a 0.10 bonus will be given for any 3-acro series with a salto.

Tapelines are to be placed on sting mats.

JO Clarifications
Neutral deductions must be signaled to the coach if taken, either verbally or visually.

Start Values are required to be posted at State & above meets. They are allowed at Invitational, but the judges are to be notified in advance of the requirement.

In the case of Equipment Failure, the gymnast can repeat the entire routine or pick up at the point of disruption with no penalty. The decision must be made before the score is flashed.

Vault: No wrong vault deduction is taken. Judge what you see and use the value of the vault performed.
Remember that a quarter on is allowed for Tsuk vaults, but a full half-on must be seen for half-on vaults. If not, take insufficient turn of ut 0.20.
Level 7-10 vault tables will be used for the next 2 years.

Level 8 Bars: Element with Flight OR Turn in element IN routine, NOT mount or dismount
1 Bar Change
A Dismount

Level 9 Bars:
C + C = 0.10 Bonus Connection
No turn or flight is required but elements MUST be different

Bars General:
Hop Grip Change is defined as both hands releasing simultaneously and changing to another grip.

Wolf Jumps: no angle of closure is required. The extended leg must be horizontal or above with the knees together. Wolf Jump Turns must show this required position throughout the majority of the turn to receive credit.

Compulsory Clarifications:
Level 4 Squat Vault Insufficient Open before landing is increased to 1.00

Levels 5 & 6 Bars Counterswing add deduction of ut 0.20 for incorrect technique of the skill. There is no straddle of the legs with heel drive above the low bar allowed for stylization. Always look for the correct shape of the body!

Artistry: Tom Koll, JO National Program Chairman

Look for the face to be involved in the routine. A smile is not required. Go over Tom Kolls list of reasons for not using artistry. None are a reason not to take the deduction.

Sparkle: Judy Grenfell, NAWGJ Vice President

Routine should connect with the crowd and be entertaining.
It should show a love for what the gymnast is doing. The gymnast should have fun doing the routine.

Extended positions should reach at least 5 feet beyond the demonstrated position.

Silver Boxes: Diane Barron, Owner & Head Coach Barron Gym Encouraging Words make life worthwhile for everyone.

Reviewed tape of Florence Littauers Silver Boxes. Remind all that good words are the building blocks of our being and that bad words knock the blocks down. Reviewed ways to implement positive and motivating techniques.

Vault Opening Deductions: Robin Ruegg, Region 4 RJD

Reviewed video of both forward and backward opening vaults.
On Front Opening Vaults (i.e., Handspring Front Tuck), the hips should start to extend and open horizontal to the horse. Deductions should be applied as:
Near Horizontal = Small Deductions of 0.00 ??10
Midway between Floor & Horizontal = Medium Deductions of 0.20-0.30
Chest facing knees upon landing = Large Deductions 0f 0.40-0.50

On Back Landing Vaults (i.e., Tsuks), the hips again should start to extend and open horizontal to the horse. Deductions should be applies as:
Chest facing horse upon landing = Small Deductions 0.00-0.10
Chest facing ground upon landing = Medium Deductions 0.20-0.30
Chest facing knees upon landing = Large Deductions 0.40-0.50

Opening faults are harder to see with Front opening Faults. We must practice, practice, practice to be able to evaluate them consistently.

New Code UNofficial Overview: Linda Thorberg, Region 4 RTC July, 2000 NOT accepted yet for JO

10.00 Breakdown

Special Requirements

Compositional Breakdown

Value Parts = 2.30 (2 A, 2 B, 3 C)
A = 0.10
B = 0.30
C = 0.50

Special Requirements = 1.20
6 @ 0.20 each

Additive Value = 1.00
Achieved from D = 0.10, E = 0.20, and Super E = 0.30 elements

Connective Value (CV)

Execution & Amplitude = 5.00

Artistry = 0.50

Value Parts are recognized one time only as a Value Part.
Elements are different with different degrees of turn or body position. Elements previously used can be used a 2nd time for Special Requirement.

Additive Value (AV)
0.30 error removes Additive Value

Connective Value (CV) earns 0.10 or 0.20 for special connections

Vault: Possibly only one vault allowed in Competition I, II, and IV
Failure to use a Safety Collar in Yurchenko vaults = 0 score
Gymnast is responsible for flashing Vault number
No penalty for wrong vault

Errors listed as:
Small = ut 0.10
Medium = ut 0.20
Large = ut 0.30
Very Large = ut 0.50 ??00

Legs crossed in twists = 0.1
Insufficient Tuck or Pike = ut 0.30
Failure to maintain Layout = 0.30
Insufficient Open = ut 0.30
Landing = 0.30


6 Special Requirements
1 Bar Change LB to HB minimum ?element
1 Bar Change HB to LB any value element
1 Flight element minimum ?to catch same bar
1 LB element minimum ?that starts and ends on LB (not mount)
1 element from Group 3, 6, or 7 minimum ?(clear hips, stalders, sole circle, etc.)
C or D value dismount


6 Special Requirements
Acro Series minimum of 2 flight elements, one must be a salto
Gym OR Mix series of 2 elements, no waves or holds
Full Turn on Foot, Knee, Torso, or Head
Leap, Hop, or Jump of 180 degrees
Acro Hold element from Group 1 or 5 (mounts or handstands)
C or D dismount

Can perform element twice is different series to get AV credit, but VP credit can be received only once for acro elements with hand support.
Missing acro element forward or backward = 0.10 ea
Overuse of more than two elements from same line = 0.10
Movement close to the beam = 0.10
Tempo and Rhythm = 0.10 ea

Artistry = ut 0.50 (Beam & Floor)
Beautiful and Entertaining
Shows Strength
Shows Precision
Shows Special Rhythms
Shows Lightness and Delicacy

6 Special Requirements
1 Acro Series with 3 acro elements, one of which is a salto
1 Combo Series with elements showing both directions
3 Different Series in the exercise (can be a 2 element series with a salto)
540 degree turn on one leg (minimum)
1 Gym Series with a minimum of 2 leaps with take off from 1 leg (can be same or different)
Dismount of acro element of C or D ??st be in last direct connection of 2 elements

Overuse of more than 2 acro elements in same line = 0.10
All LA or BA turns in saltos = 0.10
Concentration pauses more than 2 seconds before tumbling = 0.20
Missing musical end of music = 0.10
Music & Movement not in harmony = 0.20

Additive Value
Bars D + D = 0.10 D = E = 0.20
All turns must be IN handstand
All ??rns, hops in, and to L grip are B
L grip giants are C
Giengers, Jagers, etc. are D
Hindorff, Kessler, etc. are E
No Super E on bars

Margie Pearce's notes

Beam and Floor Start Values by Linda Thorberg

We did lots of video judging. Most important point: If you have to make decisions about whether to award the skill or connection, then you should have execution deductions for what you award.

Wolfe jumps: straight leg must be horizontal in ALL wolfe jumps to receive credit.

Opening in Twisting & Flipping Vaults by Robin Ruegge, RJD

In backward landing vaults:
1. If the gymnast lands with her chest facing the vault = small deduction (0.05-0.2)
2. If the gymnast lands with her chest facing the floor = medium deduction (0.25-0.35)
3. If the gymnast lands with her chest facing her knees = large deduction (0.40-0.50)

In forward landing vault look for hips opening by 3:00.
1. If the hips are extended by horizontal = small deduction (0-0.20)
2. If the hips are extended by 45 degrees = medium deduction (0.25-0.35)
3. If the hips are extended below 45 degrees = large deduction (0.40-0.50)

Artistry: What is That Deduction by Tom Koll, NJOPC

Artistry of movement: 0.30 category on floor and beam that can be useful in separating the gymnasts that performs and executes well vs. the gymnast that has a solid performance, but is BORING. His definition of artistry included beauty, grace, dynamics, confidence. In Level 7, artistry and dynamics should be used to award the better routines, NOT difficulty

Tom divides artistry into two categories and uses 0.15 for each:
1. Quality of movement
2. Presentation

Quality of movement includes extension, completeness, flow.
Presentation: am I staying awake?
While smiling is not necessary, the gymnasts face should be involved (can at least show confidence). His gymnasts are required to have at least three SMILE SPOTS in each routine and those are practiced like any other skill. Also requires three diagonal focus changes, which are also practiced.

Change of level should include plie movements. Tom uses a plus sign or smiley faces to remind him of good artistry when he judges.

Cindy, Louann, Jena, Sandra & Liz
Please send notes on the sessions you attended!